Sunday, October 16, 2011

Birthday loot!

Hello people of earth! (and wherever you are from, Dragona :P) As you may or may not know, today is my birthday! And birthday means presents! So I'm showing you all my loot, because I can ^^

The shirt on the left says "i pwn boys" :3 and I do. I love the middle shirt <3 <3 <3

YAAAA I got a cellphone~!

My epica new headphones. I would be wearing them now, but they make my ears too hot :P

The amazing little tophat my brother got for me. It had just woken up and was still in bed when he came and gave this to me. Just kind threw it in my face with no wrappings. I wore it over my bedhead to breakfast :3

Leather working tools! So I can add leather craftsman to my rather huge list of skills ^^ I'm going to make a pair of steampunk goggles, and maybe a nice belt :3

And I also go some other stuff, like a nice light purple shirt, some blue and pink hair dye, a new set of PJ's and some really cool (but very heavy) earrings that are skull and crossbones ^^

*hugs* Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy birthday! :D You guys really made my day ^^

And thanks to Kallie, who wrote a fantastic poem you should all go comment on [link]


  1. *eyes go really big, and she makes a whimpering sound*

    Jaffa...cakes...? Could it be...?

    *holds a fryingpan threatingly*

    Give me those. Now. I demand it. I WANT THOSE JAFFA CAKES!!!!!!!

    *runs around like a raving lunatic, hungry for jaffa cakes*

    *foams at the mouth slightly*

  2. NOOOOO they're my birthday Jaffa cakes! GET YER OWN!


    :O :) :D XD THE BONK T-SHIRT xD I didn't even know you could get those! XD Lucky as!

    Yay for your new cell! And :O Those headphones look epic xD A gamer's best friend is a great pair of 'phones with a cool design...I swear, you have the best family ever :P

    And a cute top hat. AND leather tools. What an epica hoard, Lizzy.

    Oh...and there's Jaffa cakes...well, i'm imagining they're good :P Enjoy!

  4. Happy belated birthday Lizzy from across the pond (Ireland) :D I hope that your day was just as amazing as your Prezzies :D

  5. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LIZZY!! :DD (Sorry it's late D:)
    Ohmygosh. Those are epic presents xD Have you seen some of the t-shirts and stuffs at amazingness x]
    Love the steampunk goggles idea x3

  6. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! (I did wish you on the day too)


    Are jaffa cakes so rare in the US?

    They sell them in buckloads in England.

    Glad your birthday was so EPICA!

  7. Octa: I didn't even know what Jaffa cakes WERE until about a month ago x] They're about as common as... well, flying mice, to be honest... are they good? o_o

  8. Lizzy xD I posted the latest part of my ff with Tanya in it! Go check it out at:
